Resilience Quizzes
Following the recent wellness sessions at Serianu Ltd, it was proposed that we hold further training in smaller groups to strengthen the employees against effects of stress and build their resilience.
Resilience is a process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences especially through mental emotional and behavioral flexibility. Resilience means being capable of bouncing back when something challenging happens in life; being resilient also means picking one itself up and continuing even after being struck down.
Serianu Ltd is partnering with Life Mentors ltd in a program whose objective is developing resilience at personal and organizational levels for Serianu Ltd as a whole. The aim of the wellness sessions is to empower the employee to be able look at their lives holistically and from there, develop the skills, tools and attitudes that will keep them centered and balanced, which are traits of a resilient person.
In addition, as Serianu Ltd is an organization with similar elements, it is important to look at these various components and try and make sure that everybody understands how to maintain the centeredness and balance within the organization so as not to cause unnecessary stress for others.
To start the program, it is necessary to do an initial assessment of the people working at Sirianu Ltd to give a baseline measure of how resilient the organization is. The assessments will also be important for each employee to assess themselves and discover areas to put more attention into as the program progresses.
The program its self, will be delivered through interactive yet practical group sessions. Information will be presented using various audio-visual aids. The participants will also be engaged in practical, experiential learning activities. There may be further assessments during the group sessions. In addition, there shall be homework which may take the form of an assignment to complete, an experiment to try, or an inquiry to ponder.
Kindly find the assessments here;
How resilient are you?